How to Choose the Right Personalized Cattle Tags for Your Ranch?

Cattle tags make life easier for herd owners and managers. They provide relevant information and help with identification. However, those tags have limited design and shape. Due to this limitation, their looks are also dull and unappealing. So, many herd owners ask: How do you choose personalized cattle tags for a ranch?

This question is valid, as the default cattle tags have an old-fashioned design. However, that’s not the issue anymore. You can get personalized cattle tags for your ranch. Logo, style, design, and prints- all will be your choice for these tags. So, let’s discuss how to choose such customized tags.

Overview of Personalised Cattle Tags

personalised cattle tags

Cattle tags are small identification labels attached to calves’ ears. They help the owner identify the different breeds of animals. So, they make it easier for the herd owner to keep track of the animals from a distance. Personalized tags come with customized designs, logos, and prints.

Generally, tags consist of numbers that show different calves and cows, right? However, personalized tags are different as they contain a lot more information. It depends on the herd owner how much information he wants on those tags. It is not only information; there can be modifications in size and designs.

For example, default tags come in yellow. This color is very prominent, and the herd owner can see it from afar. However, personalized tags can have any color, such as red, blue, or yellow. You can also use different colors for different breeds and genders of cattle. In simple words, you have all the control over the tags.

How to Choose the Right Personalized Cattle Tags?

Personalized cattle ear tags indeed look appealing from a distance. However, the process of choosing is complex and does not appeal to everyone. Many factors influence the selection process. It seems like you give your requirements and the order of customer tags. Right?

But that is a half-truth. Randomly placing a custom order of personalized tags wastes your bucks. However, I want you to make a wise decision. Therefore, the section below will provide how to choose the proper personalized tags. Let’s get flooring and explore those factors that make personalized tags a good choice.

personalized cattle tags

1. Material

Generally, cattle tags are made of three materials: plastic, rubber, and metal. Metal and rubber tags are expensive, so many people prefer plastic for personalization. Plastic also keeps the design for an extended duration.

Plastics are not very durable and are more prone to breaking. Using metal tags is not recommended. Such tags are heavier, and the animal may feel uncomfortable having them in its ears. Flexible polyurethane tags are also trendy options for customization. 

Quick Note: Plastic is a suitable material due to its lightweight nature. Its compromised durability is not an issue, as you can get two tags for one animal. If the first breaks, you can use the second. Remember that these tags are cheap, so having two tags for each animal won’t be costly.

2. Logos and Designs

Each cattle ranch has its unique logo and branding. You can get those logos and taglines on the cattle tag. You can also add the ranch name, location, and the owner’s name. This will give your cattle personalized identification. For example, if any of your calf goes missing, finding it will be easy.

If someone finds your missing animal by reading the tag, he will return it to you. Moreover, the logo gives a sense of professionalism.  It will show that you are serious about the ranching business. One thing you should do is hire a designer to get the logo. DIY logos give a cheap impression. Hiring will add additional cost, but it is worth it.

3. Size & Shape

Default cattle tags come in limited sizes and shapes. You’ll see more circular-shaped tags. But you can customize these sizes and shapes as well. There are no restrictions. During custom ordering, all you will have to do is to mention the size and dimension. The company will make custom-size tags for you.

Not only size, but you can make custom shapes.  For example, you can get custom tags that look like your brand logo. It will give the tags a more professional look and align with your brand. Many people use different shapes to identify different breeds.

One question that arises is: Do these custom shapes require more money? The answer is YES! You’re more likely to pay more when you get a bigger size with a custom shape and design. This is because more material and time go into creating a uniquely shaped tag. However, paying a higher price will give you ideal customization.

4. Prints, Fonts & Barcodes

You can print designs or ranch information on the tags. However, the font for writing that information on the cattle tags should be bold and easy to read. Some companies also offer a front engraved on the tags’ body. However, such tags can be costly.

You can print barcodes on the tags, not only in font or design. By scanning the bar, one can quickly get information about your ranch. Bar codes are also helpful if you sell your cattle. The buyer can get complete information about the animal by scanning a code.

5. Company & Pricings

Different companies produce custom tags. However, they can vary in terms of their experience and pricing. Your aim should be to choose one that balances quality and pricing. It does not make sense to pay high prices to get beautiful designs.

At the same time, compromising on quality while saving money is also a stupid choice. Therefore, you should pay decently and expect optimal quality. Before placing an order, make sure to get a guarantee that the design on the tag won’t fade away.

What is the Best Color for Cattle Ear Tags?

personalised cattle ear tags

Sharp colors are best for cattle ear tags. The default tags are yellow due to their better visibility. However, you can choose red, blue, yellow, or any other sharp color. These colors will look prominent from a distance.

For personalized tags, you can also use a mixture of different colors that contrast each other. For example, you can use yellow tags and a red font. Keep in mind that the tag color and font, including the design, should be contrasting. In this way, they will be visible from a distance.

Some people make mistakes and use mixtures of different colors on the tags. It does not look professional. For customization, you should use two sharp and contrasting colors. The font, design, logo, and barcodes should be the same color, while the tag should be another color.

Some ranches use different colors to mark different breeds and genders. For example, all the yellow-tag animals would be males. On the flip side, all the red-tag animals would be females. This is also a good choice. However, there is one drawback that you must keep in mind. You’ll have to arrange many colors to mark different breeds. One ranch can have multiple breeds.

What Information Should be On a Customized Cattle Ear Tag?

There is no restriction, as it depends on the users’ preferences and needs. The default cattle tags consist of just numbers. However, customized cattle tags should contain a number design and the ranch’s logo. Moreover, adding the ranch’s contact details will be a wise step.

Many animals have tags listing the ranch’s physical location. This is an excellent approach. If the animal goes missing, the finder can return it to the ranch by reading the location. If there is no location, you should ensure that contact details are listed on it.


There is no doubt that personalized cattle tags are very beneficial. Not only do they provide cattle information, but the ranch stands out uniquely. It won’t be wrong to say that these tags give ranches a professional touch. This guide provides all the factors that help you choose customized cattle tags.

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