RFID-dierentags VS traditionele dierentags


Livestock experts discuss the benefits of using RFID animal tags instead of traditional tags. The reason for this debate is that managing livestock is a complex task. As a result, identifying them and maintaining continual monitoring is complex and time-intensive.
Farmers globally use ear tags to identify and manage their livestock and other animals. It helps them to overcome the identification obstacles. Many countries allow ear tags to save time and money in managing livestock. Use labels to help with monitoring and identification.
We use both types of identification to check animals. However, we must consider many differences before using them for livestock management. This blog post will compare RFID and traditional animal tags to understand their differences.

What is an RFID Animal Tag?

RFID animal tags

We use RFID tags to identify, track, and control the movement of animals. RFID technology comprises an integrated circuit bearing a distinct serial number. A reader or sensor can read it from several feet away, and devices use it.
RFID animal identifiers enable more rapid and precise animal identification. It allows livestock owners and producers to ensure all aspects of;

  • animal production
  • check the health metrics of their herds
  • have more control over how their herd moves

Various shapes and sizes of badges are available, each tailored to a specific animal species. They are impervious and designed to last for many years without requiring replacement.
Where it uses:

  • RFID ear tags for sheep
  • RFID ear tags for cattle, goats, and herd animals


Let us now assess the benefits of RFID tags compared to traditional tags.

1. Efficiency in tracking:

RFID tags reduce the demand for manual inspections. RFID tags enable remote and digital tracking of animals. It results in decreased labor costs and quicker data collection.

2. Accuracy of data collection

RFID tech removes errors from using regular tags by collecting accurate, real-time data.

3. Data security

Databases can access and store information from RFID tags. It offers a far more advanced level of data protection than conventional tags.

4. Ease monitoring

RFID devices allow ongoing monitoring of animals’ health, behavior, and movement. Additionally, it provides valuable information that is difficult to get using traditional tags.


1. Expensive

The cost of implementing the system is low. In contrast, implementing radio frequency identification technology has higher prices. Extra technological requirements are needed for a barcode system.

2. Privacy concerns

System compromise may result from implemented security workarounds. Data on unsecured tags is susceptible to modification and reading by unauthorized devices. Because digital signals represent data, interception is conceivable.

3. Technological competency

Consider the need for information systems to incorporate RFID. The system’s effectiveness depends on the cooperation and joint operation of devices such as;

  • hardware
  • database management applications

How Do RFID Tags Work?

A radio transponder, a radio transmitter, and a radio receiver are the fundamental components of an RFID system. An RFID reader emits electromagnetic radiation that activates a nearby tag. Conversely, the activated tag transmits digital data to the receiver.
The technology resembles barcoding to some degree. Both processes entail distinct identifiers or data for an object to be identifiable and trackable.
Radiofrequency identification utilizes data in the form of digital signals. Low-frequency electromagnetic radiation transmits it, as opposed to visual representation.
Additionally, there are two distinct categories of tags. Active tags are battery-powered and deliver a longer and broader range than passive tags. However, the passive tags are powered by the interrogating waves emitted by a reader.

What Are Traditional Animal Tags

Metal or plastic ear tags are alternative names for traditional animal identifiers. They contain information, including the breed, age, sex, and animal ownership. They affix them to the ear or other identifying parts of the animal. These tags use digital data for identification purposes.
A specialized tagging instrument can effectively use the application process. Manual scanning is necessary to ensure proper identification. Moreover, these identifiers are susceptible to predator loss or removal.

How Do Traditional Tags Work?

traditional animal tags

Traditionally, tags are manually affixed to the animal. Furthermore, resemblance to the animal or inspection of the tag is required to identify the information written on the tag. Monitoring and recording systems need human involvement.

RFID Animal Tags VS Traditional Animal Tags: What Is the Difference

RFID animal ear tags use advanced RFID technology. It differs from traditional tags.

traditional vs RFID animal tags

  • User-friendly

RFID technology enables the tracking of animals through the reading and storage of data. It resulted in progress in animal tracking. Data can be collected through radio waves, eliminating the need for human interaction or manual scanning.

  • Duurzaamheid

Radiofrequency identification (RFID) animal tags are reliable and durable. These are more resistant to extreme weather conditions than their traditional animal tags. Additionally, it causes distress or harm to your four-legged associates!
The construction of RFID ear tags uses a durable TPU material. It offers extended functionality that is beneficial for both you and your animal.

  • Quicker and accurate

RFID tags are transforming traditional data collection and storage methods. Each animal does not need manual tagging.
RFID technology enables the simultaneous printing of many tags with precise outcomes in a fraction of the time. Without requiring human intervention, this system delivers reliable information. It gathers information without risk of error or misinformation associated with manual processes. It provides cost-effective, rapid, and efficient all-inclusive solutions.

  • Less cost of operation

Using conventional livestock management techniques has one drawback. It is both time-consuming and expensive to minimize operation costs. RFID has made checking animals easier and more cost-effective. So, it reduces the time and effort required to accomplish. Because they need fewer replacements, durable tags are more cost-effective than alternative options.

  • Contactless technology

The management of cattle has become more accessible due to RFID technology. Using this technology that does not need interaction makes animal monitoring effective. It reduces the amount of human involvement that is required.
This technique uses radio waves and a scanner to read the cards. It allows you to check your farm while ensuring the safety of all personnel from a distance.

  • Security of data

RFID tags use unique chips to prevent unauthorized access or data entry errors. RFIDs can now allow farmers to track the health of specific animals. You can also check diet and activity levels. Also, they are capable of detecting any indications of illness.
This technology facilitates enhanced livestock monitoring. It also enables the prevention of the spread of disease through prompt action. It allows us to check livestock more and prevent the spread of disease on time.

Are Traditional Animal Tags Still Used?

RFID tags provide many benefits. But there are conditions in which traditional tags may remain helpful.

  • Minimal budgets

Traditional tags are more cheap. It gives them a choice for individuals limited by their financial abilities.

  • Low-tech environment

Traditional tags are excellent and easy to use in remote regions with limited technological resources.

What Reader and Software Are Compatible with RFID Tags?

ISO must let tags that are standard for RFID. The purpose of this standard is to ensure that all RFID items are compatible with one another. These tags are compatible with any RFID reader that ISO has authorized. For RFID tags to be compatible with low-frequency ear tags, they should be able to be used with any software. The software is developed and accepted by ISO.


We made the difference between traditional and RFID tags on the various requirements. RFID technology’s efficiency, precision, and data protection are unparalleled.
RFID animal tags offer increased storage capacity. It has quicker scanning periods for more extensive operations. It involves many animals, while traditional animal tags remain precise.
Traditional tags continue to be beneficial. When budgets are low and technological resources are limited, it is helpful.
As technology advances, we can expect enhancements to RFID tags. It ensures their value as an appropriate choice for animal tracking and identification.

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