EID Tag Reader: A Full Guide to Efficient Animal Identification

One of the most important practices in animal management is keeping track of your animals. This is crucial for regular health monitoring, breeding programs, and overall herd management.

EID tag readers are game changers in animal identification. They are portable devices that make herd management a walk in the park. Most importantly, they help farmers identify and keep track of their animals.

This article will focus on EID readers, the functions, applications, advantages, and more. At the end of this guide, you will know how EID readers can improve your efficiency in animal handling. Keep reading to learn more.

What is an EID Tag Reader?

Lecteur de bâtonnets pour l'Aïd du mouton

EID stands for Electronic Identification. An EID reader is a device that quickly and accurately reads electronic tags implanted in or attached to animals. The most common forms of these devices are ear tags or microchips. Each tag contains unique identification codes for each animal.

You can think of an EID Tag Reader as a fancy scanner, much like those used in supermarkets to scan barcodes. However, EID readers detect and interpret Radio Frequencies from the tags instead of barcodes.

Functions of EID Tag Readers

The primary function of an EID tag reader is to identify animals with accuracy. But that’s not all it’s good for. In this section are some key functions of a modern EID reader.

1. Quick identification:

With an EID tag reader, you can identify multiple animals within seconds. Moreover, this is possible even in crowded pens or fields.

2. Data transfer:

You can easily transfer the data collected from the tag to a computer or mobile device. Hence, it allows you to conduct further analysis and conveniently save records.

3. Data Storage:

Most EID tag readers for cattle automatically store thousands of tag numbers. They allow you to record information even though it isn’t connected to a computer.

4. Integration and Management:

Many EID readers for cattle can integrate with farm management software and practices. Hence, they can provide real-time updates of animal records for proper livestock care.

5. Additional Data Input:

Some advanced models of EID readers allow farmers and livestock rearers to store extra data. This information can range from weight to health status and age alongside the animal’s ID.

Advantages of Using an EID Tag Reader For Cattle

Lecteur d'étiquettes d'oreille RFID

1. Accurate Storage and Relay of Information

Traditionally, farmers and livestock rearers counted their herds manually. They would rely on human labor to get the correct number of cattle in the herd. This method certainly works, but the possibility of getting errors is much higher.

Electronic reading eliminates human error in tracking cattle and recording ID numbers. You simply need to sit back and let the EID reader do the rest.

2. Cost-effective

Although the initial investment in EID readers is high, there’s no denying the long-term benefits. For one, an EID reader for cattle eliminates the need for manual labor. Therefore, you won’t have to worry about paying extra wages to your workers. In addition, due to their size, EID readers are easy to maintain. They attract lesser maintenance expenses where you only have to worry about replacing faulty tags.

3. Improved Tracking

An EID tag reader helps farmers better track their livestock. The attached EID tag contains the animal’s age, breeding status, health, and other important information.

You can easily trace an animal’s history with an EID tag reader. Furthermore, the stored data will be a helpful starting point for investigation at the onset of a disease outbreak.

4. Time Managing

One of the perks of using EID readers is that it saves you valuable time. When you switch from identifying animals manually to using EID tag readers, you’ll notice an immediate quickness in your activities. Whether it is counting cattle or trying to find which cows are due for delivery.

Key Applications of EID Tag Readers For Cattle Management

Lecteur d'étiquettes pour animaux

1. Herd Management:

EID tag readers can quickly and accurately identify individual cattle in large herds. This makes it easier to manage your herd and allows you to keep track of its real-time status.

2. Feed Management:

Some advanced feeding systems use EID readers to give measured feed rations to each animal. They regulate the amount of feed based on the animal’s nutritional needs and production status.

3. Milk Production Monitoring:

In dairy farms, EID readers automatically record milk production in every cow. This helps to track individual performance and record which cows are suitable for commercial milk production.

4. Breeding Programs:

EID readers help farmers keep accurate breeding records. These handy devices allow you to track which animals have been bred, when, and with what results. These results are vital for the growth of a herd and even genetic improvement programs.

5. Health Monitoring:

EID readers can easily pull up an animal’s health records during routine check-ups. In addition, EID tag readers are crucial in treating disease. If there is an outbreak within the herd, you can use the records to locate the source of the illness and counteract it. This helps to stop the further spread of the disease and save as many cattle as possible if the sickness is fatal.

6. Movement Tracking:

EID readers keep track of animals that move between pastures or leave the farm. They are usually found at gates or loading areas where animals are likely to pass. As a result, farmers can locate their wandering cattle by tracking the EID tag. This helps them avoid cases of theft and missing cattle.

7. Auction and Sales:

An EID reader helps provide potential buyers with all the necessary information during auctions or slaughterhouses. This allows customers to avoid being scammed by a fatally ill animal or one below their standards.

8. Transport Verification:

When an animal is moved from the farm, the farmer or new owner can follow its movements using an EID reader. It allows them to verify animals being loaded or unloaded and avoid mix-ups throughout the move.

9. Calving Management:

EID readers can help record accurate birth data and identify the correct mother-calf pairs. This helps prevent situations where a calf is placed with the wrong mother, which is often a dangerous error.

10. In Administering Medicine:

An EID tag reader relays information from an EID tag to the user. Avoid giving the wrong medicine or dosage when administering drugs to an animal. After all, this could affect the animal in devastating ways and incur loss on both ends. EID readers ensure that the right animal receives the correct medication and dosage. With these devices, you can avoid giving medicine to a healthy animal or administering the wrong drug.

How to Use An EID Tag Reader Effectively?

1. Choose the right reader:

Just like EID tags, EID readers come in different forms and sizes. So, before choosing one, ensure the reader is compatible with the ear tag. Moreover, it must have all the necessary features, such as range and capacity.

2. Maintain Proper Distance:

Most readers work best when held within a specific range of the tag. If the reader is held too far or close, it may malfunction or stop working. Therefore, the proper distance for your EID reader depends on your tag. You can check the device specifications for the correct range.

3. Familiarize yourself with the device:

There’s no better way to use an EID tag reader than to know the function of every little setting. In short, take the time to learn your reader’s functions. Refer to your manufacturer’s guide or watch tutorial videos to learn more about your device.

4. Regular Maintenance:

Keeping your EID reader clean is a way to prolong its lifespan. These devices are generally made to withstand extreme conditions, but proper care goes a long way in prolonging their lifespans.

5. Train all users:

If multiple people use the EID reader, ensure they are trained on its proper use and management. Every employee should know how to handle the EID readers. This will help prevent the loss of vital information due to mishandling.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an EID Tag Reader For Cattle

1. Read Range

Consider how close you want to be to the animal. Some readers have a long read range that supports identification from far distances. So, choose a reader that aligns with the behavior of your herd. A reader with a long read range will be best if they’re nomadic. An EID reader with a shorter range might be best if your animals stay on the farm.

2. Memory Capacity

If you’ll be working in areas without immediate access to a computer, select an EID reader with a large memory. Even better, pick one with great memory and long battery life.

3. Durability and Display

An EID reader with a clear, easy-to-read display is crucial, especially in bright sunlight or dim conditions. Farm environments can be harsh on equipment. So, we advise you to select one that is strong and water-resistant.

In Conclusion

EID readers are a significant step forward in animal identification and management. They keep better records, improve animal welfare, and help you to make more informed choices.
As with any technology, the key to success is selecting the correct tool for your needs.

To sum up, the above sections contain tips for choosing the correct EID reader. Moreover, with the right approach, these devices can be the key to taking your animal management to the next level.